Saturday 28 December 2013

29.12.13 - Beachmas 1 - The Journey

It was a couple of days in as Claire, Nicola, Cody and I heard Michael Buble croon through his Christmas album for the nth time [to Cody’s dismay] that we finally decided what to christen our adventure. Beachmas. It’s beginning to look a lot like Beachmas…I’m dreaming of a White Beachmas [literally – the beach on Baracay is called White Beach].

As we knew that we’d not be home for Christmas, we decided that all we wanted for Christmas was to do something as different as possible. When I took this picture on night one, I could be pretty confident that we were going to manage that.

Day One of Christmas is usually all about the journey home; whilst this time, it was about the journey to the Philippines. I compared the stages of the journey in my mind. They oddly mirrored each other, but also could not have contrasted more.

Fighting across London on the tube, and muscling through Kings Cross crowds to a Grantham express, battling for a seat amongst heaped presents and returning families…Breezing to HKIA by taxi, and checking in to our Express international flight to Cebu in the Philippines.

Connecting at Grantham to the smaller, slower, local train that puffs its way across country…Connecting in a smallish airport to an old-fashioned, flimsy-looking prop plane for a slow hour-long island hop to Caticlan.

Getting picked up, with my many bags of clothes and presents, by dad at the tiny, ramshackle station at Spalding or by mum at the sleepy station if Sleaford…touching down at the frighteningly small airport at Caticlan [right on the sea, where you are only metres from the waves when land finally flashes below in the nick of time, as the wheels bump down], and being picked up by a motorized tricycle, whose owner piles our stuff precariously on the back.

Driving home, normally by night, along twisting unlit Lincolnshire roads…Hopping aboard a long thin boat, with struts made of bamboo springing from each side for balance, for the final jump over the sea to Boracay Island.

Coming home, having a general family catch up and getting in the festive spirit…arriving at our resort, bumping into Claire’s sister Nic and boyfriend Cody as they come to look for us, and having a chat/getting excited about Christmas abroad on the terrace of our holiday villa.

Muffling up against the cold, and trudging into the village for a pint and maybe a bite to eat…getting into cooler clothes [it’s 30 degrees] and meandering down to a restaurant on the beach for some chilled beers overlooking the sea.

Trudging home for a nightcap, Christmas tree twinkling in the background as we look out onto a [ideally] snow covered back garden…decamping to the beach for sunset, lit by bare bulbs strung up from palm trees, looking out to sea cocktail in hand.

If different was what we wanted, we’d certainly got it. There would be nostalgia that we were missing out on that familiar, warming routine. But we were all prepared to jump into something new with both feet.

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