Saturday 1 March 2014

02.3.14 - Hong Kong one year on...

Today is our HK anniversary. Exactly one year ago right to this minute, we were in flight, en route to HK. The whole year that has just passed was stretching unknowably ahead of the couple pictured here, just days after the move.

It feels both like yesterday and an age away all at once. And so today seems a good time to take stock.

There have been highlights aplenty. The lifestyle: from practical things like the ease of getting around and quality of life; to immersing ourselves in local cultural events like the Fire Dragon; to submitting to expat decadence, be it the occasional champagne brunch, to junks to nights out that wouldn’t look out of place for a first year undergraduate’s scrap book.

There have been excursions galore – gambling in Macau, shopping in Shenzen, cocktail slinging in Singapore, sunny indulgence in Indonesia, a treat in a Thailand and beachy fun in the Philllipinnes.

We have discovered heaps of new things too numerous to mention here, but include hashing for both us, foot massages for Claire on tap from our local masseuse Thai Retreat, and for me having “ones own tailor” (he’s called Kenny. He’s very nice).

We’ve made tens of amazing friends since we got here, who have made all of these experiences better many times over. A heartfelt thanks to them. You know who you are. Equally, we’ve felt incredibly lucky that family and friends from home have dropped in to sample this life with us. We look forward to hosting many more.

But there have been downsides. The first few months were hard as I looked for work and Claire took the burden of work and bringing in the money. Our first flat was a challenge – holes in roofs, chaos on the terrace, cockroaches in every nook and cranny. But toughest of all has been the distance from close friends and family. Skype has made staying in touch much easier than we thought, but when life events come and go that we have no choice but to miss and family crises strike that we are powerless to help with, HK does feel very far away.

Nonetheless, it’s fantastic to think how far we have come. For me, I emerge from HK Year One about a stone lighter, two 50km races under my belt and having secured a job that (whilst embargoed on this blog!) I enjoy, feel challenged by and get a lot out of. You couldn’t ask for more.

But Claire’s year has been even better. She adapted so well to a new and entirely alien work environment that when her area was restructured just months in, she emerged with a weighty promotion. And at the same time as grappling with more responsibility, she has in the last 2 months joined a crazy fitness group that works out 6 mornings out of 7 at 630am. The weight is falling off and she looks fantastic. Oh, and the Claire at the top of this post was fringeless - unimaginable now!

Year two has a lot to live up to. But I suspect it may be up to the task.

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