Tuesday 14 May 2013

14.5.13 - Guy Tai takes a bow. But keptman will soldier on.

Passport with my e-ticket to Beijing on top of a world map next to China…

Today’s entry goes up on the day that I cease to be a kept man and actually start bringing in the bacon. Well, some bacon. Temporarily.

Anyway, the point is this – the daily blog will cease for a while. There are three main reasons for this:

1-      I don’t think I will consistently have time to work, socialise, exercise and do this every day. I don’t want to set myself up for a fall.

2-      It will get less considered and dashed off; plus the pictures will likely become more boring. “Here’s me, looking a bit sweaty in my work clothes on the commute. Again”.

3-      I wouldn’t want to accidentally write an ill-thought out blog, that may cause professional embarrassment…!

But don’t fret!

I will still do 2 or 3 a week, I hope, and post when they are up on facebook. I have hugely enjoyed doing it, and I think it’s really helped family and friends stay in touch with what we’re up to.

Some stats to end…

 5902 page views – almost 80/day

“Hong Kong Housewife” and “Business. But no class” are the most read, with over 60 reads each. Seems the early days were the glory days.

39% of you look at it on iPhones. To those of you – hope you’re enjoying your journey to work…

As well as the UK (vast majority) and Hong Kong, and some expected places – Singapore (thanks Charis), Brazil (Jo and Adam holiday?!) – there are a few leftfield pages views. So here’s a shout out to my Russian, German, Spanish, Swiss and Korea readers!

1 comment:

  1. great news. congratulations Paddy

    Most recent favourites: Claire's baptism, chicken/ prostitute and without question, Nicola's souvenir t shirt!

    By the way, my colleague agrees with the market stall holder: beer and green beans are clearly miles apart
