Friday 12 April 2013

11.4.13 - Shipping In - can you guess what it is yet?

So our possessions finally arrived from the SEA, hooray! I’m not 100% sure how this has happened, as the dock strike seems to still be ongoing and talks have broken down again…this, though, means I can be pleased that our stuff has arrived but not at the expense of the failure of a nasty wage dispute.

The flat has, so far, been a bit of a chore. We (mainly me) have had to be in it just to let in workmen, utilities people and do various faffy-practicalities-based stuff, and it has contained zero home comforts. Basically, it has not felt like home yet, at all.

So it was wonderful yesterday to have our stuff wheel through the door in the same boxes photographed in the first post of this blog. From the moment the first familiar item emerged from a mound of packing paper, the flat felt more like home immediately.

We had particular fun waiting by the door as the packages arrived. We had a checklist of boxes, with a short description of their hidden contents. A removal chap would shout the number of the box as he came through the door, which we would then search the list for feverishly, then shout “A lamp, some cushions and some pictures, yaaaaaay!”

But there were a couple of packages that looked like a comedy cartoon wrapped version of themselves (like a bone wrapped under the Christmas tree for a dog), one of which is pictured in the second super-double-picture-bonus photo below…what could it be?

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