Monday 22 April 2013

22.4.13 - Indonesian Interlude 1 - Strike a pose

After a fun evening admiring Singapore’s skyline from a skyscraper-top bar, aided by multiple lychee martinis, we were up (painfully) early on the Saturday to move from Singapore Sojourn to 26-hour Indonesian Interlude.

Due to Singapore’s odd location, just a one-hour ferry ride away is the Indonesian island of Bintan. Given its proximity and the idyllic unspoilt scenery, white beaches and gleaming turquoise sea, it’s a common weekend destination for Singaporeans. We planned to join them.

We took the early ferry, passing through the now-visible cargo and container ships. An astonishing sight, they were arranged in endless, sweeping rows in all directions, making our ferry feel puny as it wound its way in-between their looming hulls.

As if by magic, an hour later we moored up at a cute little port with a jauntily coloured ‘Bintan Resorts’ splashed across the jetty.

Pictures and videos of the delights Bintan offered abounded, and the locals were terrifically cheerful and very friendly.

Reflecting this trend, Bintan’s mascot-cum-emblem was this pictured chirpy chappy, based on local indigenous face masks. He was on every poster, with an outfit for each activity – snorkel, safari hat, sunglasses, even a rose in his teeth. We could not resist mimicking Mr Bintan as we went through customs, causing much hilarity with the customs team who demanded a photo with us all (and so entirely forgot to check our stuff).

Warming to our theme, we got a local to take a picture of us copying a giant eagle outside the terminal. Which it appears is the Indonesian national emblem. Which could have been seen as pretty offensive. But the locals seemed fine with it. Which was a relief.

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